منتديات الحزين فلسطين

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتديات الحزين فلسطين

مرحبا بكم في منتديات الحزين فلسطين

    أشعار حلوة (بالانجليزية)

    الطير الحزين الشادي
    الطير الحزين الشادي
    عـضـو مـحترف
    عـضـو مـحترف

    الدولة : فلسطين
    عدد المساهمات : 640
    نقاط : 1731
    تاريخ التسجيل : 02/09/2010
    العمر : 27

    أشعار حلوة (بالانجليزية) Empty أشعار حلوة (بالانجليزية)

    مُساهمة من طرف الطير الحزين الشادي الخميس فبراير 10, 2011 3:17 am

    With the calm of the night
    And the silence of human beings
    Endowed the safest and say
    Good evening
    Sweeter moon

    Posted candle Tnorlk
    I came back to me sad
    I told her why sad
    Said ........ how to send me
    (Moon Skylight)

    One died in
    Guo's author in his will
    You Calik
    Even these are Ptarafha

    Your word princess ..........
    Taste Bhmcetk
    Queen Bheptk ..........
    Sweet Dgtk
    Penalty Bgeptk .........
    I wish Hovtk

    Whatever they say
    Whatever became important was
    You are the beginnings and another coast, Mina
    O hmmmmm
    Iasakn the center of the eyelids
    Iamalk Noor Eye

    Arbab what (you)
    Beginning of my life .............
    Raised to my heart .........
    And a sign of submission ............
    Vibrio to my chest

    You auctioneer and Aldla
    You are confused and a passion for
    You are the moon on the pollen
    You ruined the community

    Remind you and I miss
    And stay up with longing
    And write on paper
    Dimension Maintaq

    Minimum painted eyes
    And I lost my way without you
    I swore I Majonk
    I love the death and Assonk

    God willing, die
    And find a coffin
    And show you the following
    Loves death

    To a minimum Bkevi
    And hopes that Btejeb
    I let you you EYES
    So what about my absence

    O gentle kiss
    Go tell it
    And Tattri touch
    Being a
    My heart to it

    Moon is sweet but high
    And gold is sweet, but Gali
    And You're the best of them for you
    (For Bali)

    How lucky your phone ..........
    Bischoff eyes
    Have your voice heard
    And incubate AEEDC
    And smell your breath
    And touching cheeks

    Good Defender
    Attracted the following breeze
    Bsolk you people .............
    Not Iamri (angel)

    Section which has been revealed ice
    Over the hills
    I will love you until the Alps
    White under the soil

    I forget thee, do not count ...........
    Even if what I send you peace
    All write a letter ..........
    .. Dmotai erase the words ....

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الإثنين سبتمبر 23, 2024 4:18 pm